

This legal notice includes the general conditions that govern the

access and use of the website, hereinafter, owned by Maribel Ruiz and Jesús Martín, with

registered office at C / Cadaqués, 12. 08916 Badalona; N.I.F. B66986456.

The use of the website implies the express and full acceptance of these

general conditions in the version published at the time the

user accesses it, without prejudice to the particular conditions

that could be applied to some of the specific services of the site

Web. Where appropriate, the use of such services will mean the

acceptance of the particular conditions that are applicable to them.

Intellectual and industrial property on the contents of the page

Design and logos

The structure of the website, its design and its source code,

as well as the logos and brands that are included in it are owned by

Maribel Ruiz and Jesús Martín and are protected by the regulations of

intellectual and industrial property. No acts of

reproduction, modification, distribution, public communication and, in

general, any other form of exploitation, by any

procedure, of these elements without the prior consent of

written by Maribel Ruiz and Jesús Martín.


All those contents included in the website are owned by

Maribel Ruiz and Jesús Martín and are subject to the particular license that

accompanies them. Reproduction, distribution, communication is authorized

public and, in general, any other form of exploitation, for

any procedure, of these elements in the terms indicated in

each particular license.

In the event that content is not accompanied by a license

In particular, total or partial reproduction is authorized,

modification, distribution and communication of the same, for uses

commercial and non-commercial, subject to the following conditions:

The denaturing of the


The user is obliged in any case to cite the source of the


The user is obliged to mention the date of the last

content update.

Common provisions

Maribel Ruiz and Jesús Martín will not assume any derivative responsibility

of the use by third parties of the content of the website and may exercise all

the civil or criminal actions that correspond to him in case of infringement

of these rights by the user. It is absolutely forbidden,

the use of the website or any of its elements for illegal purposes.

Personal data protection

Time of Costura S.L. is the entity responsible for the data file

generated with the personal data provided by the

users of your website. In accordance with Organic Law 15/1999 of 13

December of Protection of Personal Data, Maribel Ruiz and

Jesús Martín undertakes to fulfill his obligation of secrecy

with respect to personal data and the duty to process them

with confidentiality. For these purposes, it will adopt the necessary measures

to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access.

The collection and automated processing of personal data has

as a purpose the management, provision, expansion and improvement of

user services, as well as the management of the information provided

in applications for registration and press accreditation made

by users. The user may exercise at any time the

rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition, addressing

in writing, to Maribel Ruiz and Jesús Martín, accompanying a photocopy of



For information on the cookie policy click on the link

Cookies policy.


In order to improve the performance of the website, Sewing Time

S.L. reserves the right, at any time and without prior

notification to the user, to modify, extend or suspend temporarily

presentation, configuration, technical specifications and services

of the website, unilaterally. It also reserves the right to

modify at any time these conditions of use as well as

any other particular conditions.

Liability exclusion

Time of Costura S.L. is not responsible for any errors

typographical, formal or numerical that the website may contain, nor

of the accuracy of the information contained therein.


The hyperlinks contained in the website may

direct to third party web pages Time of Costura S.L. does not assume

no responsibility for the content, information or services that

may appear or be loaned on said sites, which will have

exclusively informative character, and that in no case imply

any relationship between Maribel Ruiz and Jesús Martín and the people or

entities that own such content or owners of the sites where

be found